Domino is a game in which players try to make as large of a chain of dominoes as possible by placing one tile on the table with its matching end touching another domino already on the table. Each domino has a number, usually from 0 to 6, on both ends of the tile. The value of a domino may be determined by the arrangement of its pips (spots). In addition to allowing people to play a wide variety of games, dominoes also provide an opportunity to demonstrate physics principles, such as the law of conservation of energy. As each domino topples, its potential energy is converted to kinetic energy and transferred to the next domino. The process continues until the last domino has fallen.
Domino tiles are sometimes called bones and are twice as long as they are wide, with a line down the middle separating it into two squares. The dominoes used in the most popular variant of the game, double-six, have a total of 28 unique shapes — each marked with an arrangement of spots similar to those on dice. When arranged edge to edge, the dominoes form a rectangle with an open bottom. Dominoes are typically white or black, with contrasting pips. They can be made of many materials, including bone, ivory, ebony, or dark hardwoods such as mahogany or walnut; metals; ceramic clay; or even frosted glass or crystal.
In Domino’s early days, Monaghan worked hard to promote the company’s new pizza recipe and its ability to deliver pizza quickly. He also emphasized the importance of good customer service, and promoted leadership that listened to employees’ suggestions. He was also an expert at marketing, and he focused on the right market: college campuses, where young people had limited money but wanted fast food that tasted good.
When playing Domino, the player who has the most tiles in his or her hand takes the first turn. Then, in turn, each player must place a domino with its matching end touching another domino on the table. The player who plays a tile with its matching end to the longest domino chain wins.
As a rule, each domino must be placed with its matching end adjacent to another domino, except in the case of doubles, which are played cross-ways over an existing double. If a player places a tile with its matching end to a double that is already fully extended, this is called “stitching up the ends” and is penalized.
Most domino games involve emptying the player’s hand while blocking opponents’ play. Some involve scoring by counting the pips on opposing players’ tiles; if a player reaches a set score in a certain number of rounds, that player is declared the winner. Regardless of the specific rules, most domino games teach children number recognition and math skills. Dominoes are also used in science classes to demonstrate the laws of physics.